The sun shone in a hazy blue sky. Titmice came for breakfast. Three male house finches got testy with each other, as did two male cardinals. Chickadees also fussed, but who knows if they were males. A white breasted nuthatch also showed up. A pair of goldfinches came, but spent their visit courting and drinking. The hummer feeder has become a goldfinch pickup bar. The hummer waited out the other birds and had a long drink.

A thirsty squirrel climbed into the watering can after looking in the window at me. An egret fished along the bank. Big, all-black
carpenter bees were looking for nectar, and later I fished one out of the water, along with many beetles. It swam impressively by vibrating its wings.

A yellow sided skimmer perched high in the dogwood, in a spot the hummer likes. And I saw an amberwing in the front grass. The orchard spider was still hanging out in the azalea behind the patio chair.
On the way home in the evening the sky had pink cloud rays stretching from the southern horizon. Behind us in the West a cloud burned. But the sunset was all over when we arrived.
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