It was not so windy today. The male goldfinch was back, alone. Perhaps the female has begun nesting. A downy woodpecker visited the feeder, as did titmice. A grackle wandered around, then tried to eat seeds instead. It was too heavy, but it frightened off a hummer. A morning dove foraged under the gladiolus. A blue jay lurked around the yard and came out into the sunshine for mealworms.

A skink was up early. A
variegated fritillary butterfly seemed to be laying eggs. Blue dashers hunted from the perches I put out for dragonflies.
A female towhee appeared while we were eating a late lunch. She hopped away amazingly fast. A great blue heron explored the dam outfall and an egret flew North in the blue sky. The bald cardinal was back.

When I rescued black ground beetles from the water, two of them bit me. They couldn't break the skin but the pinch hurt. So much for gratitude. I startled a wolf spider into galloping across the surface of the water. A damselfly had already drowned. I saw a couple of fireflies keeping a low profile in the daytime. The orchard spider's web looked all disorganized but the spider hung in there. The hummer was wary of me but a titmouse was more preoccupied with ignoring its begging offspring. The blue jay came back for another mealworm snack. A great crested flycatcher popped around in the cherry.
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