It was still cool and windy. Three squirrels wanted breakfast and each had to test the feeder. A downy woodpecker landed on the post, then left. A male goldfinch was bold enough to defend the feeder from chickadees and titmice, but not house finches and cardinals.

A Carolina wren looked for snacks and settled for mealworm soup. An osprey circled in the sky and an egret fished below the dam. A bar-winged skimmer hunted gnats. K rehung the clean hummer feeder. A hummer discovered the fresh juice but also visited the gladiolus. A yellow crowned night heron stalked crabs while the camera was tied up downloading photos.

When I got home, titmice were still at it and a downy woodpecker visited. In the pool, a
bullfrog was hiding behind the brick. I tried to get it out but it got away and disappeared. A damselfly flew away almost as soon as I saw it. A snail didn't move at all. As usual, I fished out beetles. The orchard spider was not moved by yesterday's storm. Swallows zipped overhead.
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