The creek was not placid this morning. Geese, cormorants, an egret, and other waterfowl all took off downstream. I spotted what appeared to be a very small duck later, but might have just been an odd angle. A brown thrasher tossed mulch under the cedar. Then a couple of squirrels began foreplay up and down the trunk.

At lunch time, a flock of cormorants were driving fish up the creek. They were accompanied by gulls, egrets, and at least one great blue heron. Pretty soon the whole hullabaloo came back downstream. When they continued down past the dam, I got a glimpse between the tree trunks of a pair of hooded mergansers. What kind of fish they were after was a mystery. Puffy cumulus clouds began to appear in the blue sky.

Just before sunset, again, a kingfisher appeared, only this one was male. He caught dinner and took it across the creek into the shade.
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