I woke to overcast and a trace of mist, not quite fog, and no wind. Not much was stirring and everything was still wet. The overcast began to break apart after breakfast. By 11am when I was cooking, the birds were beginning to get lively. Blue jays zoomed around all day. The downy woodpeckers came for brunch. A Carolina wren checked out the rehydrated mealworms. The red breasted nuthatch came back with a half dozen chickadees. I could not tell if there was more than one. And the sun got through at last.

By noon it was quite warm out, though the air felt damp. Sunshine was intermittent. Leaves drifted down, pretending to flutter like birds. A couple of buzzards circled. A blue jay raided the mealworms. The regulars were around though the cardinals didn't come to the feeder. The chickadees squabbled over precedence at the feeder.

Honeybees were busy in the camellia flowers. Apparently the rosemary is only popular when nothing else blooms. A small flock of juncos scurried around the patio. A titmouse came for seeds and stayed to poke through the drifted leaves.

I went outside to digest lunch and enjoy the warmth. And I solved the mystery of the bird with a black face - it was a butterbutt with summer plumage still on its head. Then bluebirds appeared and fussed at each other. On nibbled at a pine cone, or something on it. White throats mostly stuck to cover. I saw a freshly bathed wren in the dogwood. There were lots of songs and calls I didn't recognize.

The sun went in and so did I. A brown thrasher poked through mulch under the cedar. But the other birds apparently felt like I did that the good weather was gone. At some point earlier in the day I saw hoodies but got no photo. The clouds continued to move through from the West and they tinted a little at sunset.
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