No more dawns for a while, the sun was already glittering on the creek when I got up. A kingfisher zoomed across the creek down by the dam. Later a heron flew upstream, U-turned and flew back to the dock across the creek. A single crow pursued a red tailed hawk back and forth overhead. A couple of squirrels canoodled on the cedar trunk. None of them waited for me to fumble with the camera.
Some small brownish flying bugs caught the afternoon sun, but were too fast for me to identify. First one, then a second flicker flew over the yard, flaunting yellow-shafted wings. The white-throated sparrow returned. A couple of doves hung around and one startled a squirrel. Later, I saw a squirrel chase a dove out of the cherry. I also saw one nibbling on morning glory seeds!

Fish kept leaping and a female kingfisher perched on various pilings like Goldilocks testing suitability. It settled on a post on the neighbor's dock next to a great blue heron. A large flock of mallards followed a convoy of Canada geese. I couldn't get the heron into the picture with the kingfisher, but I did catch a passing mallard.
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