Wind and sun dominated the morning. The birds got up late and I saw nothing to compare with yesterday. Even though I put out grape jelly for the oriole it never appeared. Two of the goldfinches came back. So did juncos and a white throated sparrow. A Carolina wren got some mealworms.

The downy woodpeckers were busy all day. Three doves met around the water cooler, aka birdbath. The nuthatch came back and a chickadee took a bath. I thought I saw a brown headed nuthatch but that may have been a chickadee.

A drift of pink petals lay under the
sassanqua camellia. I glimpsed a great blue heron, a bufflehead, an egret, geese, gulls and cormorants, a couple of kingfishers chasing each other, and possibly a pelican. There was still too much foliage for the camera to get most of the waterfowl.
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