Still warm, breezy and sunny. Dawn tinted freckles of cloud. Fish were jumping at breakfast time and a kingfisher snatched one up. Later I saw a neighbor catching fish off his dock. I wonder what has been schooling?

The morning glories turned from blue to purple as they were pollinated. The black swallowtail caterpillars seemed to be able to expand their light colored stripes in the sun and their dark ones in the shade. I think I counted four buckeye butterflies today. A monarch appeared and laid eggs on the milkweed, then rested on red leaves. Bees and wasps and all manner of fliers enjoyed the heat. I already got pretty thoroughly bitten yesterday.

Squirrels buried nuts and dug up nuts and raced around and leaped across gaps between branches. A blue jay poked around under the camellia. None of the bird photos were any good - there was too much cover and too many sources of food.
The temperature set a record for the date.
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