Three doves came to breakfast. Then I saw a flock of hooded mergansers on the creek, disturbing the reflections. They were joined by geese and mallards. The morning glory leaves were frostbitten and the dock was white.

Around noon, a female downy woodpecker fed on the suet. Carolina wrens ate mealworms. I saw honeybees on the rosemary. Other fliers that were not birds glinted in the sun. The male downy showed up in the mid afternoon.
Then a female kingfisher perched on one spot after another around the dock. It was nice to have her in full sun after so many times in twilight. The tide was very low. A great blue heron fished under the dam.

This month's full moon was closer to Earth than it will be again for many years. Technically, the full moon falls on Monday morning, but the sky was predicted to cloud over after midnight. Appropriately, it's called the frost moon.
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