First the cat walked past. Then two geese explored the pool cover. There are other creatures I'd rather see in the morning. Eventually a wren, a warbler, a titmouse, and white throated sparrows showed up. The warbler didn't look familiar so it might have wintered further South. Fluffy clouds drifted across the sky. It was breezy.

When I got home for lunch K was out, so I planted the broken piece of ice plant I'd persuaded to root. I watered all the potted and recently planted in the front of the house. That included the wren's petunia, but nothing stirred. I saw a very thin, black inchworm (
geometrid caterpillar) and a dragonfly along with bees and wasps, and later a tiger swallowtail. A blue jay flew over the house. The female bluebird kept watch from the pecan.

By evening there was a lot of cloud cover and the temperature had dropped down into the 50s. A downy woodpecker worked on the suet. White throats scurried around under the feeder. This warm week probably sent a lot of migrants North, but not the white throats.
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