A thin layer of cloud crept North during the morning, though the sunshine was only a little muted. Not much went on during breakfast. Then the cat showed itself. About twenty minutes later a wren ventured out to the mealworms. The creek was a funhouse mirror. Bees feasted on the rosemary.

In the late morning gulls got interested in the creek. A great black backed gull landed in the water. A male bluebird perched in the pecan to keep the birdhouse under observation. A downy woodpecker also landed in the pecan. More bees fed on the blueberry pollen. The wren was back for more mealworms and I got a glimpse of a nuthatch on the suet.

Of course there were buffleheads. Turtles basked on their favorite log on the lake. And the wood duck pair paddled past our shoreline again. A tiger swallowtail flew purposefully across the yard.
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