Something ate all the suet, this time without removing the holder. The blue jays were still doing a slow-speed chase through the trees. Dragonflies and butterflies eluded the camera. White throats were still with us. At least until the feral cat showed up. It tried to drink from the pool cover but of course the water rose around its feet. A bit later a female goldfinch perched on the feeder hanger, then flew off. A downy and a titmouse visited.

I didn't have the camera at lunch, so I saw an osprey hovering, a downy woodpecker getting a last nibble of suet, and a almost completely changed yellow rumped warbler who gave up on the suet. After lunch as I was getting ready to leave, an egret fished under my window. And then, as I passed the feeders, I saw a female hummingbird tucking in.

I got stuck on the HRBT as a rain shower passed overhead and on out over the Bay, and left a rainbow in its wake. A butterfly ventured a ways along the bridge before rushing back to land.
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