At breakfast, the creek was still, but speckled with pollen and fallen petals. A male hummer appeared around 7:30am and hovered briefly around the suet, clearly remembering that as the location of the hummer feeder. I hope it found the feeder out front. Or some of the tubular flowers around the yard. A different butterbutt came for suet. This one was about two-thirds molted into summer plumage. A Carolina wren whacked at the mealworms. A titmouse also favored suet. White throats excitedly flitted and popped all over like they had ADHD. I glimpsed a couple of buffleheads on the creek. I had assumed they'd moved on. Just as I was leaving for my haircut, I spied a brown thrasher thrashing mulch in all directions.

At lunch time, dragonflies buzzed around the patio. I saw a tiger swallowtail and a small orange butterfly. A downy woodpecker came for suet. When K moved the pepper outside, we saw both bluebirds in the pecan. One quickly flew into the birdhouse. As the afternoon went on, the sky clouded over. In the evening I saw a great blue heron below the dam. Sunset was a bar of orange below a roof of cloud.
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