A goldfinch lurked in the wild cherry which had started to bloom. I counted at least seven white throated sparrows under and on the feeder. One tried to eat suet but had difficulty balancing. Another bathed, as did a chickadee. A brown thrasher prowled along the mulch edging at the far end of the yard. Then the cat prowled through.

I sat on the front patio for a while listening to the bird concert, till a garbage truck drowned them out and scared them off. The male bluebird visited the birdhouse, then kept watch from the pecan. I heard a jay and crows, and what I suspect was a mockingbird or brown thrasher, which may have accounted for the jay and crow sounds as well.

When I looked out at the water, a boat on the lake held two fishermen and a child. My view of the lake was almost gone as the redwood leafed out. A little green heron landed on the dock.

The sky grew hazy in the afternoon and eliminated shadows. We planted what we got from the church plant sale, and not before time. Butterflies, bees, and wasps flew around but only a wasp cooperated with the camera. An egret stalked along the bank. I thought it was a snowy on account of the dark beak, but the green patch at the base belongs to a great egret. I have seen more snowys in the last couple of years than in all the time before.

As I drove West after 6pm, the sky was glazed with cirrostratus and I saw a faint sundog. When the moon rose, thicker clouds made it disappear, highlight clouds from behind, then reappear.
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