In the morning, the wind continually flipped the sky from cloudy to sunny and back. I wasn't always sure if I was seeing an insect or a petal blowing around. An adult skink scampered around on the pool cover like it had lost its tiny mind. I saw a dragonfly but it was too fast for me. Tiger swallowtails got away but I captured a black swallowtail. Lots of bees and wasps were out. A blue jay and a wren also escaped the camera.

White throated sparrows were everywhere, but looked rather ragged. They appeared to be molting. Woodpeckers, both red belly and downy, made repeated visits. The male
downy erected his red feathers into a little crest. A titmouse found a
moment when the suet was free. A great blue heron found good fishing below the dam. Buffleheads, too, were around all day. A pair were accompanied by a brown duck I think was an
immature male hoodie. A snowy egret watched the dam spillway in the afternoon. And turtles sunbathed beside the lake.

Sunset turned contrails pink as they were about the only clouds left. The wind finally dropped then. The half moon overhead was very bright.
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