A mallard couple snoozed on the dock while a cormorant looked around from the neighbors' dock. A titmouse abandoned the seeds for suet. One lone turtle was sunning on the log in the lake.
A romantic triangle developed among the geese, who staged their drama in the back yard, and pooped everywhere. I hope it's good fertilizer. I planted the carrot top, not to grow a second carrot, but in the hope the foliage will attract swallowtails. I planted a variety of lavender with scalloped leaves that I hope will please hummingbirds. The day had warmed enough that I was able to do this in just a sweatshirt.
As I sat recuperating, I saw red bellied and downy woodpeckers, and a brown thrasher with nesting material. A bumblebee worked over a money plant.
A male cardinal took over one of the dock pilings. Then a little green heron seized the other. The cardinal apparently tried to drive of the much bigger heron. Strange. Later, an egret paced along under the bulkhead. Cormorants clustered on the dead snags on the lake.
In the early evening a red fox visited. It ran across the yard down by the creek. A pair of brown thrashers ignored it. The fading light and intervening twigs defeated me.