White throated sparrows were not cooperating at breakfast. downy woodpeckers and chickadees were willing to be photographed, but they always are. I saw a couple of osprey flying over Broad Creek on the way to church. A blue jay landed almost beside me, though outside the window I was inside, but when I tried to get the camera going, off it flew. Despite the cold, turtles were soaking up the sun in the afternoon. A cormorant pretended to be a figurehead on the prow of the log.

A pair of mallards napped by the water's edge in our yard. The Muscovy was still hanging out with the geese only on the other side of the creek. Toward evening, I saw something that looked like a kingfisher take off from the neighbor's dock. Red breasted mergansers were still diving in the creek. In the twilight, a great egret was visible at the dam outfall.
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