Morning was nice for Easter services. The weather played some tricks as the wind shifted from the Southwest to the Northwest bringing chilling clouds in the late afternoon. Insects of all sorts awakened and emerged. I saw (and was too awestruck to photograph) a mourning cloak butterfly with its gold trim blazing in the sunlight. A cabbage white, wasps, tiny moths and midges flew around me.

A male downy woodpecker went to work on the suet. The yellow rumped warbler made do with the mealworm dish. I saw what might have been a
least flycatcher. A blue jay was busy with something at the base of the cedar by the dock. Another was under the neighbors' feeder. Then I definitely saw a bluegray gnatcatcher, maybe more as it never stayed put. White throats hopped through the understory trees and bushes. A house finch defied a cardinal and won, but eventually they compromised.

The sunnyside narcissus opened. The sassafras started to bloom only to have a squirrel eat the flowers. The cherry had scattered flowers. Some ajuga popped up where I thought it was long gone. Periwinkle snails were abundantly visible as the tide was blown very low. It exposed the trap that worried me last year, but a couple of girls retrieved it.
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