A house wren hopped all around the feeders then departed just as I was getting focused. An adult cormorant studied the water from the neighbors' floating dock. A juvenile perched on a lake snag, ignoring a turtle. I was away for the middle of the day.
It was a beautiful day that I spent too little time appreciating. I went outside intending to plant seeds in anticipation of rain tomorrow. But I got caught up in looking around and never got to the seeds. The coral honeysuckle was covered with flowers. The pink azalea had a patch of magenta flowers and another patch of white. Yellow jackets were more interested in nectar than color. The purple iris had only four buds left.

Unfortunately, I discovered the tall red cedar is infected with something that causes swelling and then bursts through in rusty orange lines. And a veil of clouds poured East bringing a chill that drove me back inside

Toward evening, I saw the first hummingbird of the year, his ruby throat flashing as he tried to get nectar from the blue wood hyacinths. Not only was I not fast enough with the camera, I had taken the feeder in to clean and hadn't got around to putting one back out. A female red bellied woodpecker didn't wait to be photographed either. The bluebirds dashed in and out of the nest box so I assume the eggs have hatched. White throats poked around and a summer-suited yellow rump warbler visited. I don't know if it was a migrant passing through or one that wintered here. The cat came with the dusk.
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