A male downy came for a breakfast of suet. One band of rain passed through after lunch. The rain was light until suddenly it became a "frog strangler." And then it was over. The sky stayed threatening, but I did not get wet.

One redbud started blooming. Violets, azaleas, sassafras, jessamine, narcissus and money plant flowers all awaited pollination. Turtles and cormorants were warm enough not to mind the rain. A yellow rumped warbler looked a little bedraggled as it ate suet.
A couple of geese came up the slope nibbling grass and accompanied by a Muscovy duck. I stood up and they saw me and scuttled back down to the water. I think I saw them last year with that duck, I wonder if the duck hatched in a goose nest? Some Muscovy ducks "
dump" eggs in other nests and I did find accounts of geese raising ducks.
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