A house wren came to breakfast. Only, I am not sure if it was pecking the suet or checking the holder as a potential nesting site. The downy woodpecker knew what suet was for. White throated sparrows were plentiful on the ground. I think some arrived from further South along with the wren. A monarch butterfly fluttered around the birdbath and was gone. But it and the wren indicate migration underway. A squirrel and I had words over the mealworms. As I was leaving, I was buzzed by a bluebird that then popped into the nesting box. I was worried that they had disappeared, but there was no need.

Between the wind and the heat, water disappeared out of the birdbath very quickly. En the late afternoon, a warbler drank for the pool cover. I think it was in yellow rumped's summer plumage. A cardinal did the same. So I added water to the birdbath and a white throat bathed. By then the light level was dropping, and the crepuscular cat appeared. (That sounds like something Edward Lear would say.) There were just enough clouds to make sunset interesting.
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