mapped sightings of hummingbird migration suggested I'd better get the feeder out today. However, the wind was so strong, it grounded much larger birds and even pummeled crows. Osprey tried to fish but I don't think they were very successful.

Chickadees and downy woodpeckers were better off under the suet. I saw blue jays but mostly when screened by vegetation. It's a wonder the trees were able to put out leaves with squirrels eating buds. Red bellied woodpeckers were nervous but suet tempted them out.

The feral cat came around and lurked waiting for a white throat to come close enough. The bird did, and the cat pounced, and I clicked, but I must have moved because this blur is what I got. Plus it was twilight.

When I went out to close the feeder, moths got in. I'd gotten unused to coping with insects at the door. During the day there were lots of bees and other fliers. At lunch, I also glimpsed a skink, but it was faster than I.
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