Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cloudy again

The wild morning glories climbed up the sunflower stalks and opened their blue flowers.  A bee was busy when I came out.  A hummer showed up early as well.  There was a chase with another hummer that had taken an interest in the red hibiscus flowers.  A couple of house finches had an aerial fight as well.  A male and later a female goldfinch appeared.

The sun was out at lunch.  A tiger swallowtail finally slowed enough for the camera.  There was another hummer chase and the winner clucked loudly about it.  A gray hairstreak visited the mint.  Skinks slipped into their favorite crack in the lower patio.  I found the dragonfly nymph but it was about four feet down and the photos are just blurs.  The a gust ruffled the surface and filled it with leaves, and possibly lunch for the nymph.  If not insects blown into the water, I wonder what it is living on?  What lurks in the depths? 

There was a little drizzle in the afternoon and it never got hot.  K called me to come see a dragonfly on the patio.  This time it was a common whitetail male and not yesterday's widow skimmer.  And it was not dead.  But as I tried to follow it, I became aware of a large bird near the fence.  Hawk!  It plunged into the azaleas but I don't know whether it got dinner.  All the birds went very quiet for about ten minutes, except for a hummer that cussed at me.  Then cardinals and a brown thrasher resumed life.  And mosquitoes found me. 

Sunset was golden but the sky was mostly cloudy still. 

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