Friday, June 10, 2016

More sunshine

Another gorgeous June day.  At breakfast I saw a male goldfinch, titmice, and a Carolina wren I think may have been a fledgling.  The male cardinals continued to compete.  A crane fly rested on the door screen.

While I was out, I saw a blue jay and a grackle down the street, and an osprey over Bayville Park.  As I pulled into the driveway, a male widow skimmer landed on the trellis beside the lantana.

During lunch, a much tidier wren visited the mealworm feeder.  A skink wiggled its long blue tail as it poured itself into a crack, then popped out and raced off.

The way to see wonderful things is to be in the pool and without a camera.  I came upon a little brown damselfly and a tiger swallowtail flew over me.  Yet another little glass snail was bobbing in the water.  So were many beetles.  Then I saw a brown thrasher hopping up and down.  I swam closer, it flew off, and the black rat snake it had been harassing looked at me, turned and flowed down hill.  After I got out, nothing. Well, later I saw a great egret standing where the water was too deep for that to be possible.  It had perched on one of the channel markers and sunk it. 

Toward evening, a school of small fish made waves in the creek.  A lacewing came fluttering up to the patio.  A hummer turned up its beak at the feeder.  A house wren visited the birdhouse.  A male cardinal sang from high in the oak and a chickadee was bold enough to join our company.

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