Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Still pleasant

Wispy mare's tails sometimes coalesced to cover the sky.  A great blue heron fished under the bulkhead.  Titmice joined the regulars for seeds.  Hummers fought.  I went out front and sat on the new patio.  Some small and delicate mushrooms popped up in the mulch.  A hummer fed on the lantana along with skippers.  Geese flew North in a V formation, but they were just pretending. 

The cardinals occupied the feeder area and frustrated the finches and chickadees.  A Carolina wren hopped up but then hid out in the rosemary.  A cloudless sulphur nestled into a hibiscus blossom. It has been a summer for second bloomings - gladiolus, hibiscus, and today a late flower spike on the chaste tree. 

Palamedes and tiger swallowtails floated and flitted but never perched for a photo.  Snout butterflies did and so did skippers.  A spring azure landed briefly on the milkweed.  Bees and wasps were busy and milkweed bugs joined them.

A cough-like sound alerted me to a red bellied woodpecker up in a pine tree.  The rue was full of black swallowtail caterpillars and a tiny orchard spider.  A question mark butterfly visited the birdbath.  And an anglewing katydid landed on me.  I wonder if it was because my suit was the same color?  I rescued a honeybee bur was too late for a cicada.  A little blue tailed skink come out in the late afternoon.  The patio was scorching from the sun but the breeze was chilly after I was wet.

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