Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Sunshine was predicted.  Humpf.  A couple of blue jays raided the mealworms and got away before I had the camera fired up.  Hummers visited.  At least three doves were hanging around.  The birdbath had dried out which disappointed a squirrel.  She came to the watering can and peered through the window at me.  I say "she" because another squirrel was following and attempting the sniff test. The sky cleared at lunch.  A downy woodpecker visited the feeder.

Afterward, I started to dismantle the birdhouse that blew down and discovered a paper wasp nest inside.  Now I know how hard a yellow-kneed wasp can sting.  It seemed to be hunting me for a while so I was reluctant to take the camera outside - too much to remember if I had to run. Naturally I saw all kinds of cool stuff without any pictures to prove it.  A cicada killer roamed the steps.  A palamedes and a black swallowtail hung around.  A yellow sulphur flitted through.  Skippers, dusky and fiery, fed on the lavender and the morning glory.  And a lovely emerald female pondhawk also hunted around the steps.  I rescued a spider. a two-lined spittlebug adult, a bristletail, and a blue tailed skink. 

In addition I saw a bird in the trees that I couldn't identify, especially as all I could see was its tummy and the head it cocked curiously at me.  The closest match seemed to be a red eyed vireo, which would be a new bird for me if I could be sure. The snowy egrets were still attracted to the dam outfall which was still emptying the excess rain from three lakes. 

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