Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sunny then stormy

At breakfast all I saw was an egret and the regulars. Hummers learned there was fresh juice.  Blue jays got the better of me, again.  Interesting cloud patterns formed, but the sky was mostly blue. 

At lunch, there were cumulus towers that could justify the "Flash Flood Watch" NOAA issued.  Dragonflies were everywhere - blue dashers, a great blue skimmer,and others, I think.  A little green heron joined the great egret at the dam outfall.  Geese invaded but I intimidated them.

Around 5pm, the weather changed.  Storm clouds seemed to come from multiple directions.  But the rain did not begin for another 45 minutes.  There were momentary deluge-level cloudbursts, but all together, not enough fell to significantly raise the level of the ant moat, our sad hoc rain gauge. 

Hummers arrived during every lull to stoke their furnaces against the cold wet.  One cardinal was feeding a fledgling, and raiding the blue jay's bark butter to do it.  The Flash Flood Watch was in effect for the rest of Saturday. 

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