Friday, October 19, 2018

Two more beautiful days

I missed most of Thursday.  At the Rec Center, I noticed that someone had knocked down a sizable paper wasp nest and dead wasps were scattered around it.  Seems like they could have waited since it is already Fall.  A brown grasshopper hopped into the murder scene.

When I got home, I saw a Cooper's hawk shoot across the back yard.  I sat outside for a short while - it was chilly.  And apparently the hawk had been up in the oak waiting for me to leave so the birds would come back to the feeder.  It gave up and zoomed past again, and neither time did I get a photo.  The milkweed bugs were forcibly dispersed by the guy with the leaf blower.  So I went out front to take pictures of the moon.

Friday, the birds came to the feeder but were very anxious so I suspect the hawk was around.  The milkweed pods were ripening fast but I don't know how many viable seeds the milkweed bugs left.  The scarlet climber was setting seed.  The pool was filling with leaves now that it's too cold for me to clean from inside.  The sky was an intense blue, unmarked by even a contrail.  For some reason the birds haven't been feeding on the beauty berries.  The hackberry was loaded too. 

Two kingfishers passed over the house quarreling and moving so fast they were gone before my brain caught up.  A couple of buzzards circled.  A flock of geese complained loudly about the dog across the creek.  They all took off leaving a short-lived trail on the water.  An egret also took off from its perch on the lake. 

And then a gulf fritillary landed in a dogwood and posed nicely before fluttering South over the house.

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