The feeders were lively this morning. The goldfinches returned as did the red bellied woodpecker and a Carolina wren. Yellow rumped warblers tussled, downy woodpeckers took turns, and white throated sparrows were everywhere. All three of the feeder regulars showed up - cardinals, chickadees and house finches. And, we were visited by a
chipping sparrow, the first I've seen in several years.

The sun shone and the trees bloomed. The creek was flat at dawn but soon its surface was in motion. It was pleasantly cool when I picked fresh narcissus. A blue jay was out in the trees.
When we got home, most of the same birds were back, plus a couple of juncos. The sky was a bright blue and there was a breeze. The warblers were definitely changing to summer plumage and looked very disheveled.
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