The sky was cloudy, the air warm, and the creek still. Downy woodpeckers and white throated sparrows joined the regulars. In 2013, the white throats stayed till May 8. (I started to check my last sightings of winter migrants last spring but realized that I was gone after April 9. I had to look at 2013 to get a comparison.)

Mallard drakes kept landing uninvited in the pool while Canada geese hung out on the floating dock. There was lots of honking all morning. A couple of Carolina wrens flitted through the shrubbery. A cabbage white also flitted around. Hover flies, bees, and other bugs buzzed around the flowers. I think the temperature dropped a bit. Fish jumped in the creek.

After lunch, I saw a blue tailed skink. A cabbage white appeared to have lost much of its hind wings, probably to a bird. Four blackbirds and a flicker landed in the sycamore which has begun to leaf out.
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