A little rain fell in the early morning but the birds were singing when I got the paper. "And smale fowles maken melodye," as Chaucer put it. A red bellied woodpecker visited the suet scaring off a warbler. White throats foraged in the mulch. A blue jay flitted around in the brush. An osprey patrolled the creek. Just as I was leaving a downy woodpecker showed up. I was gone till lunch time.

The wind switched 180 from NE to SW during the morning. An egret stalked along the bulkhead during lunch and an osprey hovered over the dam outflow. A female junco and a titmouse visited the sunflower feeder. Something pale blue-gray flitted around, but I couldn't be sure what it was. I got a lot of photos of the spaces where a bird had just been. But I did catch a brown creeper on the redwood.

After lunch I sat outside. The sun was warm but the wind was cold. A heron flew downstream, then a male kingfisher landed on the dock. A buzzard flew over the creek. I caught a squirrel in midleap with a nut in its mouth.
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