It was warm and still and overcast when I rehung the clean hummer feeder. Yellow rumped warblers, downy woodpeckers, and white throated sparrows came for breakfast. A pair of courting cardinals tipped the feeder counterweight but didn't notice as he fed her. A towhee was up in the sweet gum.

Spring showers kept everything wet but didn't put a drinkable amount of water in the birdbath. I need to fill it as the pool is now open and the birds have lost the pool cover puddle. Downy woodpeckers were back at lunch. A bee tried to get satisfaction from the hummer feeder. A crow ran an osprey all over the sky.
A deluge started around 5pm and rain continued into the evening. It certainly filled the birdbath! Wet chickadees and grumpy cardinals joined us for supper.
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