The morning was colder than predicted and everything was wet. Rain was still falling lightly. The birdhouse turned its back to the window again but I saw some activity. A Carolina wren was also out and about. Two pair of cardinals shared the yard, not amicably. One couple was courting under the cedar. Then the females got into a fight by the squirrel sculpture. Later a very wet female showed up on the step.

Meanwhile, two white throated sparrows foraged. I think they may have been migrants from further South rather than the ones that wintered here. The male towhee joined them. The hummer showed up late looking very cold. I read that hummers go into torpor overnight.
The rain stopped around 10 and by noon the concrete was drying. By 2pm there were gaps in the overcast and a bit of sun. I thought I glimpsed a mockingbird but I cannot be sure. Carpenter bees came out though it was still too cold for honeybees. The cloud cover remained, though broken, and the wind strengthened. The hummer returned continually throughout the day. I wonder if she can get any nourishment from azaleas?
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