I scattered some mealworms when I got up this morning. I have been meaning to do that for days as I've heard that birds identify food sources in the morning then just return to their finds for the rest of the day. The sky was streaked with cloud but the sun was out. Reflections wavered on the creek but never broke up.

The yellow rumped warblers were still competing for suet, but uninterested in the mealworms. Titmice joined cardinals and chickadees on the seed feeder. The downy woodpeckers bumped the warblers. White throated sparrows were out foraging as were two Carolina wrens. The wrens appeared interested in the mealworms. A blue jay drank from the pool cover. I need to clean the birdbath.

As we got lunch ready, a male towhee foraged beyond the pool. A warbler decided I was no reason to stay off the suet. When I came inside, the woodpecker came back. By this time the sky was filled with fluffy, cotton clouds.
After dark I saw the first lacewing of Spring on the window.
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