Clouds moved in overnight. The female hummer returned, or I suppose it could be a new one. The cardinals were courting on the feeder perch again, but another male was hanging around in the bushes. A slow-speed chase ensued as first one then the other relocated about ten feet. Later a Carolina wren appeared. A few gulls flew over.

Rain began in the late morning. And at lunch we discovered a tenant was already moving in to the birdhouse! The house wren lacks the distinctive eye-line of the Carolina wren, above. Meanwhile chickadees were very busy at the feeder and house finch couples also came by. A couple of mockingbirds visited and I believe I saw one being chased off by the hummer. Canada geese made a to-do in the creek.
As the afternoon progressed, the rain got more earnest about doing its work. It did not deter Ms Hummer. But it made things quite gloomy and chilly. The rain is predicted to hang around through tomorrow, albeit with steadily rising temperatures.
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