Both downy and red bellied woodpeckers worked on the suet. A couple of starlings also came for suet but I hope I scared them off. The sparrows foraged below, joined by juncos and wrens. The yellow rumped warbler continued to frustrate tufted titmice who only wanted seeds the warbler doesn't eat. The regulars ignored the butterbutt, except for chickadees that darted in when it was distracted.

Mid morning, a flock of cormorants fished their way downstream. Then a flock of cedar waxwings landed in the dogwood! I only got one photo before something startled them. Whatever it was scared all the other birds too. The downy froze behind the post with only one eye peeking around. A dove walked around on the pool cover. Buffleheads dove on the creek.

The great blue heron was at its usual place under the dam. Pelicans made occasional passes over the creek and I saw one swallowing something, but it was behind a piling. A squirrel with a mouth full of nesting material made trips up a pine tree at the NW corner of the house.
In the afternoon, pelicans, herons, hoodies, buffleheads, and gulls were very busy fishing. Then a light rain dampened their enthusiasm. The rain got heavier after dark.
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