House finches, titmice, and chickadees came for seeds while downy woodpeckers, Carolina wrens, and the warbler wanted suet. Two blue jays flitted around the perimeter of the pool. A song and a white throated sparrow paid brief visits. It had rained overnight and rained again around 9am. The wretched feral tuxedo cat put an end to festivities.

Later in the morning, two doves foraged in the mulch while finches occupied the feeder. A timid tufted titmouse came for lunch and that brute of a butterbutt chased it away repeatedly till it gave up. The female red bellied woodpecker showed up briefly. A female towhee was screened by twigs. A few juncos hid in the trees.

Around 2pm a tornado watch was posted. The wind was gusty here but that didn't discourage a flock of blackbirds and robins. There was at least one cedar waxwing in the flock. I saw a bufflehead and a cormorant on the creek but the light was going. There was lightning, and then a lot of wind and rain coming sideways out of the South. And then about 4pm some blue patches appeared, very briefly, among the clouds speeding North. I heard doves cooing again.
I looked at weather maps and I think that everything was spinning around a low over Ohio. West of there snow was being dragged South, but much more slowly than rain was passing North over us. It was an impressive storm - there was a tornado a few counties to the West. But when I went to bed the waning gibbous moon was bright, making passing clouds glow.
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