Mushy clumps of snow and ice and rain were falling at breakfast but tapered off around 9am. The stuff swirled around on wind gusts, then melted except on chair seats and such. It spotted and streaked the glass, but the light under the clouds was too low for the camera. That was unfortunate because the birds were hungry.

I saw both kinds of sparrow, wrens, warblers, two kinds of woodpecker, juncos, titmice, and doves. The creek was mostly empty except for a cormorant. Two pelicans flew downstream and two hoodies flew upstream. Above them all, I saw an indistinguishable flock of birds.

Around lunch time the sky began to clear. The wind dried the windows. The flock returned and at least some of the birds were robins. All the morning birds continued to eat, occasionally chased by the warbler. A goldfinch stopped by only to flee from the warbler.

A great blue heron fished under the dam. Buffleheads dived on the creek. A squirrel carried nesting material up the pine closest to my new window. Meanwhile a pelican landed on the water next to the heron. A couple of juncos prospected in the wet grass. I really like my new views.
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