There were clouds early, then the sky cleared. There was snow on the ground and the creek was still frozen, except right at the dam outfall where geese clustered with a few mallards.

I counted birds through breakfast. Chickadees got some seeds before the warbler woke up, but it chased off the titmouse again. It also chased another of its kind. Both kinds of woodpeckers had suet. Four doves foraged and at least one strutted around looking for love. Juncos and sparrows (both species) and a wren foraged where I had scattered seeds and mealworms. House finches and cardinals stuck to the feeder.

After lunch, a mockingbird appeared. Two wrens foraged under the rosemary, then one moved to the suet to the great frustration of the warbler. A couple of buzzards flew over. The woodpeckers, juncos, and song sparrows were back. Sometime in the afternoon something made a path through the creek ice. Geese on the bank across the creek chased each other. Mallards and a lone male hoodie paddled in the bits of open water. The sun shone and puffy clouds blew down from the Northwest.
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