The pool was iced over but the creek was clear, perhaps because it was rough. Out on the water I saw geese and mallards, buffleheads and hoodies, a
ring billed gull, a cormorant, egrets and a great blue heron.

The male and female downy woodpeckers tried to share the tiny remnant of suet. Since I did not have treats out on the patio, everyone including a squirrel came up and eyed the breakfast window. There were juncos, wrens, song and white throated sparrows, yellow rumped warblers, tufted titmice, and a dove. The birds mostly ignored Aaron who was digging up the French drain. K hung a fresh block of suet for them.

In the late afternoon a goose behaved oddly, hunching over then flaring its wings at another goose. Courting? The heron was back at its post at the end of the dam. Buffleheads fished.
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