A Carolina wren was breakfasting on suet when I got out to the kitchen. The yellow rumped warbler failed to dislodge the wren. Then a downy replaced the wren. The butterbutt was left to pace the patio or gaze longingly from the feeder hanger. A couple of birds I couldn't identify chased each other through the cherry twigs. Sparrows also scampered around the ground.

Out on the creek, hooded merganser drakes glowed in the early sun. Geese and buffleheads joined them by mid morning.

As we were about to leave for lunch I saw a pelican on the creek, apparently digesting. When we returned, The warbler was still chasing titmice and other warblers while the woodpeckers ignored it. The whole day was sunnier than predicted. We have a houseplant bearing fruit, which isn't supposed to happen.
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