Yesterday, the birds ate everything in sight and they were nearly hysterical this morning. The warbler tried to defend the empty suet cage. Both downy and red bellied woodpeckers, and starlings came to see if it was really empty. A few juncos and a song sparrow looked for breakfast on the ground. The huge flock of red winged blackbirds, robins, cedar waxwings, and who knows what else was still around. I saw a blue jay. House finches and cardinals came for seeds. K refilled both feeders.

A Baltimore oriole landed on the feeder hanger. When I jumped up to fetch out the grape jelly, a raccoon trundled up the slope and went down the pool steps. I caught it coming back. Then I put out the jelly but did not see the oriole again, alas.

The wind swung around to the West since yesterday but it was still very gusty. On the creek, I saw a pair of buffleheads and a pair of hoodies hanging out together. Pelicans, cormorants, and egrets battled the wind. The great blue heron was back in its favorite spot on the dock next to the dam, but it was all hunched like Quasimodo against the wind. Around mid morning that wind blew in fresh cloud cover.

I had a meeting in the afternoon in a room with a window wall. The clouds outside were highly dramatic but rather difficult on photographs of what was going on inside. On the way home I took some pictures.
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