Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sunny again

The blue sky returned in the morning.  So did the geese.  I counted five goslings and more adults.  The creek was still and reflective.  Titmice came to the feeder.  A hummer breakfasted.  One squirrel stalked another who occupied the roof of the feeder to the pursuer's great frustration.  When he finally leaped for the feeder, the other one jumped off underneath and away they both went.

The male cardinal who has been fascinated with the pool took a plunge today.  I saw it shaking off water.  I assume it sees a rival in its reflection.  When the pool pump started and sent a little wave out toward the bird, it jumped up and back in shock.  I guess the water movement broke up the image because the cardinal then left.

The lantana is blooming out front and the magnolia trees are perfuming the air. A buzzard circled low over us.  A blue tailed skink made a dash across the patio when it thought no one was looking.  A yellow crowned night heron prowled the spartina while the geese made another attempt on the pool.  Lots of dragonflies had lots to hunt.  Big dark cumulus boiled up out of the West and dripped a few drops. 

After the cloud moved on, I went back to the pool. As I was getting in, I saw a little green heron.  It was using the metal loop that the floating dock has to slide up and down the piling as a fishing platform.  I was just thinking it was too high when the heron's head darted, neck lengthened, and it caught a fish.  It moved around the piling but stayed fishing all the while I was in the pool. 

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