So I sat outside with the second cup of coffee. A hummer came, as did chickadees. A squirrel got to the steps before its nerve failed. Both towhees were around but not too close. A blue jay looked me over from the roof. I could hear the juvie crow and saw an adult ferrying a mouthfull of something white. The wrens bustled and sang. A swift chattered as it flew overhead. An osprey was silent on its way upstream. I think I glimpsed a red bellied woodpecker crossing the creek, something with a red head anyway, and there had been hammering. The creek was smooth and reflective and light airs barely moved leaves. The sky was hatched with contrails that crept East.
At lunch time, a swamp darner dragonfly clung to the wall till I got close. Then I saw a skink on the wall, but it stayed behind the furniture. A skipper landed on a sunflower leaf. A tiger and then a black swallowtail passed through the yard. At the top of the redwood, a brown thrasher serenaded with its back to me. I whistled to get it to turn around, and it left. Then the towhee pair danced around the patio. It appeared he was courting her, unless that was a juvenile?
The wind picked up in the afternoon and it cooled off. Another hummer came by but didn't stay. The sunset under streaky pink clouds with the sickle moon following it down.
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