Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lake Lawson/Lake Smith park

There was heavy dew on the sunflower seed feeder.  That didn't deter nuthatches and titmice from competing with the regulars.  Pine warblers and downy woodpeckers argued over the suet.  Juncos and a white throated sparrow scurried over the patio.  Then I saw something on the bark butter ball cup that wasn't quite right for a female house finch - my first pine siskin

During lunch we were entertained first by a red bellied woodpecker. A dove marched up the steps, poked into everything, and peered in the window at us.  Red breasted nuthatches and a brown headed nuthatch made repeated sorties to the seeds.  A female bluebird studied the situation, then sampled the suet.  I spotted a yellow rumped warbler in the wild cherry.  The brown thrasher got away again.  The kingfisher came back and a blue jay dropped in. 

After lunch we went to the

Lake Lawson/Lake Smith Natural Area, and so did a lot of other people and dogs.  The result was very little wildlife, just a cormorant, a couple of squirrels, and something small and dark that climbed a big tree trunk out of sight before I got it in focus.  But the lakes and trees were beautiful.  As we were leaving, there was a mockingbird.  When we got home, a little bird flitted around the Hollywood juniper but I never got a good look.  I did see a red bellied woodpecker high in the oak. The sky was hazy and after dark the moon was just a bright round light. 

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