Great blue herons flew together up the creek then one returned. Are they courting, disputing territory, or just flocking? Geese and ducks paddled on the surface. I identified one hooded merganser but the rest evaded me.

The feeder area was positively congested. White throats, juncos, and doves poked through the mulch, joined occasionally by birds crowded off the feeders. The suet attracted the yellow rumps and downy woodpeckers. The regulars were joined on the sunflower seed feeder by titmice, a Carolina wren, and briefly a goldfinch.

When I got back at noon, a Hitchcockian swarm of blackbirds blanketed the bare trees. They were very noisy and I believe I heard redwings twanging as well as more melodic twitterings. Buffleheads dived on the creek. During lunch the morning's birds were joined by two pine warblers. Around 1pm sunshine brightened the yard.
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