And frost everywhere. The cold made the birds hungry and they didn't want to share. White throats and the regulars contended for a place at the feeder while juncos poked through the frosted mulch. Later a Carolina wren had the feeder to itself. Meanwhile egrets and a heron flew over looking for open water.

By late morning half the creek was clear of ice. A pelican cruised downstream. A crow chased the hawk the other way. Titmice and woodpeckers worked on the suet - I guess it had softened up in the sun. A butterbutt hopped around the feeder but couldn't get past the finches.
Ducks showed up during lunch: mallards, buffleheads, pintails, hooded mergansers, and ruddy ducks. The feeders stayed busy and a squirrel licked melt water off the birdbath ice I forgot to thaw.
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