Clouds were breaking up and blowing East as the sun rose. Occasional rays of sunlight escaped to gild the tops of the pines and the undersides of more clouds. As the sky cleared, warm light flowed over the trees to be reflected in the creek. Buffleheads dived and popped up mostly behind a screen of brush, and mostly when the sunlight was blocked. A butterbutt visited the suet early. We put the cheap suet in the feeder and the butterbutt found it acceptable.
At lunch we had the usual trio plus white throats, juncos, and warblers. Three buzzards wove circles over the dam. A blue jay called from the sweet gum. Then we went off to enjoy the last free day at the Botanical Garden. The tropical greenhouse was a rainbow of orchids, heliconias, bromeliads, and the biggest bird-of-paradise I've ever seen. But the only birds I saw were robins, crows, and a chickadee.

When we got home, I noticed a male kingfisher perched on the purple martin house down by the dam. Canada geese were feeding in the neighbor's yard. A downy fed on the new suet block.
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