Morning was overcast without actual rain, but every surface dripped. The wind was the first thing I noticed, whipping the plants as it tore South. The creek was quite rough and the ice all gone but the temperature was lower than yesterday. Dock workers appeared during breakfast and I think they scared off the birds. A line of geese formed on the creek to keep an eye on them. Mallards joined in. The feeders were unused except for a chickadee and a butterbutt. But I look forward to being able to take photos from the dock once more!

By lunch time the birds were over whatever kept them away. The cardinals, finches, and chickadees were joined by white throats, juncos, a fox sparrow, a downy woodpecker, and the battling butterbutts. A brown headed cowbird landed briefly on the seed feeder. A white breasted nuthatch discovered the suet. The wind dried things out somewhat. A convoy of geese paddled upstream past the dock workers.
Rain restarted after dark.
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