The newspaper was babbling about an "historic" storm that
might cause snow to fall tonight. Several herons and a cormorant flew low over the creek while an egret fished below the dam. The feeder was vacant except for brief visits from a cardinal, a chickadee, and a butterbutt.

I saw robins on my way to the pool and buzzards on the way back - strange omens. Blue sky peeked over the NW horizon and the sun glowed behind the overcast, but by lunch we were back to gray. Some white throats dashed out for a bite. A pair of cardinals argued about who got to perch at the feeder. The butterbutt was back. Out on the creek, mergansers, cormorants, and a pelican fished. The great blue herons continued their territorial dispute. But most of the time it was quiet. K refilled the seed feeder in the late afternoon.
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